Mark Redford

there I was
naked except
for my pants
in the room

had to make it
round the room
I figured to go
right round
the room
do it properly

started off fine
became more
and more difficult
pants caught
on something
maybe the door

but I pushed on
turned the
support post at
far end of the room
pants were getting
tighter and tighter

but I can push on
stretched thinner
and thinner
but I am strong
going to cut

and then
I suddenly realised
how ridiculous
the room
the journey
my nakedness
my pants –

my pants
slice off
my legs –

I stopped
and woke up

©2012 This work is the property of the author.

Posted on June 28, 2012, in Mark Redford, POETRY and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Mark’s third poem on MM, a funny piece. Click the link to read his other work:

  2. really liking how it ends

  3. Ants in his pants,sphinx- like in a naked lunch of a monologue in a nightmare of comic relief.

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