Dear readers, poets and other lunatics,

I know I’ve been remiss in my duties as the curator of this little circus of the erudite, absurd and often strikingly beautiful.

I plan to return in the New Year with gusto and fervour.  Life’s curious twists, bends and rabbit holes have usurped on my attention and time. It’s not that I don’t love you it’s just that I’m in a vat of whisky and I’m trying to climb out and into a vat of wine instead.

There are many among you who have been most welcome and diligent supporters.  You know who you are and that includes you: MLR, QE, Mo, MV, Donal, Michael K.,Glenn, Allie, Ron, William, Bruce, B.Z, Larry and others too numerous to mention.  I thank you all, it’s been a fascinating year with great words from interesting people and it reaffirms my niggling suspicion that good words are really great ones.  Happy New Year to all.  May you come in colours or at least have a surfeit of your preferred poisons.


Philip Vermaas

N.B. There were a few glaring omissions in my list of thanks, which was a bad list to compile under the influence of festive tipple. I know there are more, but one long-time supporter, Joe2, was cruelly left out. So he gets a special mention, and the N.B.s may grow still.

Posted on December 31, 2012, in POETRY. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. and A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, Philip!

    See you next year.

    BoySlut Editor Devlin

  2. Philip,

    Don’t fault yourself. You have a great site, and if you have to take a break once in awhile, all the better. Too many sites are now deceased because the editors killed themselves trying to keep up with a pace they let contributors set. The words can marinate. Go at the pace best for you.

    And have a great 2013.

  3. Just breathe, Phillip. In the words of Alan Watts. Be. Here. Now. And besides, who wouldn’t benefit from selecting a poem randomly from the Archives occasionally?

  4. And a most happy new year to you as well.

    Sy Roth

    Sent from Windows Mail

  5. Happy new year and your most welcome. Looking forward to another year of great poetry EVEN if you have to half the pace

  6. Vatman, I hope you will rise to your feet once again because Gotham needs you.

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