Dear Poets, Writers and Readers,

Just a quick note to tell you I hope to be back soon. Weighty things have usurped not only my time, but the calm I need to pay proper attention. I realize that I’m way behind on reading submissions, and I’m very sorry. I feel horrible about it, but I just need to sort a few things out before I can give MM’s readers and contributors the attention they deserve. Hopefully, MM will be back within the next couple of weeks.

In the meanwhile, for a dose of good stuff to sate your needs, I recommend The Blue Hour Magazine or a dip into the 450 plus poems in the MM Archives

Once again, all apologies,

Philip Vermaas

PS Joe2, I did add a thank you mention on the last update. You are not forgotten.

PPS Dear Ron, thank you very much. I will email as soon as I have the energy to face the neglected inbox. 


Posted on January 25, 2013, in POETRY. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Looking forward to your return, when your ready

  2. Allie Marini Batts

    Hope that everything sorts itself out for you soon enough–know you’re missed, and take your time making sure that you’re taken care of first & foremost!

  3. That’s great news, looking forward to the future!

  4. Yay! I’ve gotten a mention! Thanks Phil!

  5. bluehourmagazine

    Philip, thank you for the recommendation. We look forward to your return and recognize the need for rest.

  6. Looking forward to seeing you back, Philip!


  7. no worries. Be well!

  8. Good to see you resurfacing, Sir.

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